Ok, it is part of the territory, just as it is in the summer in Maine. A price you pay for living in paradise. And, yes, I have a few bites - went to the drug store yesterday for spray Benadryl and they were out, dam it.
So anyhoo, I flip on the local TV news this morning while a mosquito is feasting on my ankle, by the way, and they're talking about . . . hello? Oh, just DENGUE FEVER! Holy crapoli, first case in over 50 years here and you get it from a mosquito bite.
My friend Florence says, it's a million to one you'll get it, you're more likely to have a car accident.
Oh great, says I, I've done the car accident thing, now bring on the Dengue Fever...
Happy to report there are no mosquitoes currently in Maine and the temp is a balmy 60!