Friday, December 24, 2010

So many kind, compassionate and loving people here in the Fabulous Florida Keys, and as always, some  extra help needed for the doggies and kitties so here is what I've been up to.  --Ok, so I have to dish . . . the perfectly lovely lady who does the baking is generous enough to provide little recipe cards gratis - ONLY if someone buys the baked good, of course. So, my first day I was looking thru them and here is the one to hand out if someone buys a yummy brownie:
1 box Dncan Hines Brownie Mix (plain)
Follow recipe on box
Use all ingredients noted
Add 1/2 cup ground nuts to the recipe
Bake as directed on box
I am so deliriously happy reading this


  1. Liz, you look great. Love to see you smile. Merry Christmas from all of friends at the Duck.
