I would say we really only had one successful beach day during our visit until the chill drove us away and even though we walked on the beach every day, we made the playground our main focus and visited a few in the area. My only requisite: must have swings!
We visited the wimpy lighthouse I showed you earlier but it wasn't open this time. Here is a picture of Zia and Miss Genevieve in full pout. She is so good at it but her nature is too sunny for it to last long.
Genevieve and Bunny NOT happy.

It was a lighthouse kind of day and we visited the Cape St. George lighthouse next (a bit more impressive, I think you'll agree.) The view is of St. George Island and no, I did not take that picture. No thank you. Nat is the only one who went up.

And was rebuilt here on St. George Island in 2008. They salvaged a bunch of the bricks and cleaned off the mortar and erected the new one. When we pulled up, I noticed what good shape the lighthouse was in and duh, yeah since it is really only 2 years old! Misleading? Maybe . . . whatever . . .
I title this next picture: Goofy Daddy (he really is an awesome dad!) Check out the jury- rigged highchair (kid belted to barstool.)
And, just one more: Oh so lovable.
Love that last picture! Looks like you had a fun week!