A busy couple of days. I met up with my friend, Rita, in Portland on Sunday where we boarded the Downeaster for Boston. Dudes! They have lobster rolls on the train! (OK, it was kind of mushy but still . . . ) Maine really is the way life should be. Anyhoo, our stops were Old Orchard Beach, Saco/Scarborough, Wells, Dover, Durham, Exeter, Haverhill (Hooterville) and then North Station in Boston. So awesome.

We checked into the Lenox (fabulous!) and this was our view, Back Bay and right in the heart of some fabulous shopping so of course, off we went for a little retail therapy.

Our prime reason for coming to Boston however, was to see the one and only Mary Chapin Carpenter in concert. She was touring for her new album, The Age of Miracles (isn't that funny how we say album when really it's not and hasn't been for . . . how many years?) She was wonderful. Really wonderful. I love that her songs are so thoughtful, that her voice is so beautiful and that she does so much for the greater good. I bought one of her signed CDs for my friend, Sue. The money will go to help with the oil spill in the Gulf. See what I mean?
My nephew, Josh - now 16 years of age OMG - arrived from Guatemala while we were at the concert and it was such a pleasure to see his smiling face when we got in. I'd love to show it to you but as usual:
No worries though, I've got two weeks to snap that face!
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