So I leave the dogs in the yard while I go to the grocery store and when I get home, Sophie is fast asleep in the middle of the street(!) This means that she went swimming and when she got out of the water, she found herself on the other side of the house and so, outside of the fence (which is 2 feet tall but she doesn't think she can jump it - not too bright, that dog.) Lucy can and does occasionally jump the fence.
So, the animal control lady comes to my house. She says an old lady called in saying that two dogs at the Salt Shed had come after her and she was afraid for her life.
So, apparently this lady comes walking by and the dogs rush her, Sophie because she is outside the fence and Lucy must have jumped it, and she - get this - picks up a stick to ward them off. Hello? A stick? Labrador Retrievers? Honestly! What does she expect?
Not to worry. I make nice and say OMG please have her call me so I can apologize. She doesn't so I don't have to.
End of story. I hope.
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