After my quick family fix, I continued north to my beloved Maine and it is so lovely to be here in the early springtime.
My buddy Jasper came for a visit, bringing Rita with him and they helped me unpack and settle in. Thank you guys - so much!
(After their broken engagement of a few years ago, Sophie and Jasper have agreed to coexist but that's about it . . . )
So, Miss Rita cooked us up a mess of steamers and oooooooh, were they good. We had a couple of lobsters too from Atlantic Edge (that way we didn't have to kill them) and they were wicked good, let me tell you!
The weather has been unseasonably cold so I got to have a fire in the fireplace and flannel sheets on the bed, and after the 90 degree weather in Florida, what a treat. It is quiet here pre-tourist season which suits me just fine. There are a jizillion stars at night and this morning I saw a red fox with a huge bushy tail on the beach. (Luckily, Lucy's worsening cataracts precluded her from seeing him. Could have been messy.)
So, lots to do what with opening my studio, getting the gardens in and planting the window boxes. There was a lot of wind damage in the early spring so I'll need to have a little work done to the deck and fence.
Anyhoo, that's the report from LizzieAlone in Maine. toodle loo for now
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