The heater has been working overtime and it is still chilly in the house so I decided to try out my little fireplace. I did take a cursory look for the thingy that opens the flue but didn't see one and thought well maybe there isn't one as this is such a little fireplace and in a climate where it is not used much. Wrong! Anyway, I had some nice dry wood and got quite the little blaze going when the smoke alarms went off. Poor Lucy made a beeline for the bathroom, paws over her ears (well, figuratively anyway.) I had to open the doors and windows, grabbed some hot pads and stuck my hands up the chimney until I found the lever and as soon as I pushed it open, the smoke got sucked right up. I had to leave the house open for a good half hour so ended up even colder than when I started. Geez Louise. I can still smell smoke when I come in from outside but it's fading.
Yesterday is the first day I didn't run the dogs on the beach in the afternoon. It was just too cold. Instead, I drove an hour+ to the nearest city to buy a spool of thread. Yes, you heard me right. Over two hours round trip to buy a spool of turquoise thread. Of course, once I was in the quilt shop, I couldn't only buy a spool of thread. One must support local independent business, mustn't one? So, I bought several spools of thread, a little fabric, some batting AND, this is so exciting even though it may not mean anything to some of you, signed up for a workshop next month with Judy Niemeyer. This is some of her work. I am a HUGE fan and I am so excited to meet her and learn her techniques. Yeah!

My parents will be visiting at the time -Hi Mom and Dad! - and I plan to ask them to watch the girls while I attend.
So, we are in for the day, venturing out only when the temperature reaches the whopping high of 42 today.
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