Monday, January 25, 2010

this and that

Not too much to report today. We started the day with our usual walk and it was light when we were almost back to our door. Another armadillo. Rooting around. The girls and I stopped and watched for a bit. They had no desire to go after this weird armored creature. So prehistoric looking. Suddenly, it looked up right at us and, I swear I am not making this up, CHARGED!  The three of us ran for it. I am not kidding. We ran the rest of the way home, and slammed the door behind us. I never looked back.  (Now, when I say "charged", it's not like it was moving at the speed of light or anything but still . . . )

I went to aerobics in the hood and that was fun as always. Cheryl, who teaches it is great and doesn't charge a dime. Amazing. She's got some good music too.

The wind has been howling for two days now and the surf is enormous but it is a sunny day and warm out of the wind.

I continue to spend way too much time on line trying to find my nephew Josh some decent affordable flights so he can come for a visit on Spring Break and go to Guatemala as well. Not an easy task as no one ever comes here, I guess. I told you the motto: If it feels like you're in the middle of nowhere, it's because you are.  (That just cracks me up every time!)  Hello, though, maybe if they lowered the plane fares, they'd get some visitors and help the economy and not BE in the middle of nowhere anymore. Anyhoo, told you there was not too much to report today. Just letting my Mom know I'm ok.  Almost forgot to say,  I was reading the local paper this morning and dang it if I didn't miss the Annual Hog Butchering at the Pioneer Settlement last Saturday.

One frightening development; I was talking with a woman named Claudia and she said how her mother was going through radiation and she was going to stay the night with her and I said, wait for it, I'm not lying, I said  "Bless her heart."


I gotta get back to Maine!


  1. before you know it you'll be saying "all y'alls." :)
    and i've had an armadillo charge me before, too- seriously!

  2. charging armadillos??? you need to come back to Maine.

  3. I agree with your friend from King Eider - back to Maine. There is no telling how you will be butchering the English language after another month or two there!
    And a charging armidillo?!? That would have scared the heck out of me, but I am surprised that Sophie didn't turn around and give him the what for. Next, he will be stalking you.
