Here is a picture of my little house from the water:
We went out to Damariscove Island for a picnic lunch. I took this from the island - Nat has anchored the boat and he and Aaron are rowing in on the courtesy dinghy. The pack mule in the foreground is Josh.

So, here we are having lunch on the boat because there were FIRE ANTS covering the island! It was awful! Poor little lucia got bit, then everybody with flip-flops on, all of us running and stamping and screaming. Poor Nat has wanted to hike Damariscove for years and now he has to return to the boat and pick us all up FAST!
We did still manage to enjoy ourselves.
So, off we went home for naps and then a lobster bake at the Salt Shed. I picked up the fabulous Skyler (sp?) at McSeagulls after her shift and she came over to watch the kids so the parents could have a break and a little adult conversation. Here we all are

what a wonderful gathering - have fun!