So, here is a little of what I've been up to in my busy little life. Ok, so Tuesday, I met my BFF Leslie for shopping at our fave Rockland stores: GW and TJ Maxx (where fashion goes to die.) And for your info, GW stands for Good Will and we love it!
We had lunch at Rustica and it was fabulous as always.
Then, Wednesday, my friend Linda invited me to the fashion show held at Fisherman's Wharf every year to benefit the Chamber of Commerce. Here we are - ta da!
And here is Linda's daughter, Lauren, olympic hopeful that she is (and soon to be famous glam supermodel, I'm sure.)
She runs the local Life is Good store. She is absolutely adorable and the sweetest person, just like her mom.
These guys were a hoot in their Grundens and pink cheeks, strutting down the runway. v. funny
Next up, the girl from the Cannery and I'm sorry I can't remember her name but she always helps Anna and me when we do a little back to school shopping each August.
It was a lot of fun - thank you Linda!
So, Thursday. What did I do Thursday . . . oh cleaned my house ALL DAY. I got obsessive and did some much needed throwing away of old cosmetics and stuff and cleaning the nooks and crannies. Still need to wash the windows but that's for another day. Seriously, one can only do so much.
Friday, I worked at the Botanical Gardens doing a mailing and I met some very nice people and then had lunch in the cafe. Always so fresh and good. Went home and worked on my "Mike Fans". Here is little Oliver Perreault with one. (Sweet baby but picture is kinda creepy, right?)
Saturday early morning, I drove the girls out to the Lake and dropped them off with the dog sitter, then headed for Greenwood, Maine for the 60th birthday party of my friend Mike Perreault (hence the fans).
I got onto 95 and then stopped dead for 45 minutes. Here is why:

Anyhoo, it was wicked hot but there were tents and a breeze and a wading pool which I admit, I stood in for periods of time when the baby wasn't in it. Everybody brought food and drinks and look at this awesome cake with a golf course and golf cart that Rita got. It was great and believe it or not, Hannaford made it! Here is the birthday boy himself blowing out his candle. Singular.
Ok, so Rita obviously forgot to get candles and managed to find this votive somewhere. tsk tsk
It was wonderful to see so many old friends, some I hadn't seen in like 15+ years!! Sorry I didn't take more pictures (or let's face it, more pictures that came out.) A good time was had by all.
I scooped her up and brought her back to the Salt Shed and we've been enjoying some time together ever since. How cute is Ryder?? She has been going thru electronics withdrawal at camp so there has been much emailing, telephoning, i-pod-ing, tv-ing, you get the picture.
This is the cool pic she made with photo booth. Don't you love the effect of the books to the right?
And today??? Yes, we're finally up to today. We had a girly day. Pedi's and shopping.
Oh yeah! The pink polish is called "Ladies and Magentamen"
So, that's what I've been up to in my busy little life. The End.
* * * * *
Oh! But not quite . . . Remember that Asian looking quilt I made for my mom a few months back? Well, I submitted a picture and description to this magazine and they printed it and I won a prize: 3 yards of Kona fabric. Woohoo! Score!!
Guess I'm practically famous now
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