Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So, let me catch you up since my return from Ireland. Busy busy busy, packing up and leaving East Boothbay for the winter. These images are what I saw when I woke up on Sunday morning.  So beautiful and my Florida doggies thought it was fabulous!

Look at my sweet little house . . .

Off we go! The newest adventure!

Our first stop was Lexington to visit my sister Leslie, her husband Tom, Zoe (little pocket lab, poor thing is terrified of Sophie and with good reason, oy) and two of the lights of my life: Anna and Will. Here we are. (This, btw is the "Ryder smile" - inside joke.)

I left early this morning (Tuesday) and set the GPS for Teaneck, New Jersey. I drove through Mass, Connecticut, New York - saw the NYC skyline, lots of graffiti and the traffic and trucks, oh lordy the trucks!  Lucy decided to open the back window twice while I was navigating heavy traffic. There is nothing quite like concentrating on the traffic with ever fiber of your being when the sound of trucks enters your back window and you feel that diesel engine in your backseat. Yikes!  Freaked me out just a leeetle bit.

We stopped in Southport, Connecticut to give the girls a bathroom break and OMG! Giant piles of mansions, one after the other, I mean who lives in these places - big as hotels, green rolling lawns, you get the idea. I was not impressed but have to admit I gawked!  Found a little beach so they could run and I picked up some shells and sea glass. Nice break.

Then, New Jersey for the highlight of my day, where I stopped to see my beloved eldest nephew, Aaron and his beautiful Carla. Oh do I love them. They took me to lunch and I barely registered what I ate (although I can tell you it was yummy, and well it was tuna sashimi - ok I did register what I ate) but I was SO basking in their presence. I forgot to take a picture, darn it, but take my word for it, they are lovely. Thanks, guys!

After that, we had a quick doggie break and drove on to Pennsylvania and a cheap crappy hotel that takes dogs and has a kitchenette (those are the ONLY two positive things about it and okay, I can live with that.) I'll be here two nights and will check in tomorrow - lots of rain and snow predicted. No problem. I am woman hear me . . . yeah whatever.

 nighty night. Love, Liz

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