Saturday, January 16, 2010

Apologies for not writing sooner. I'm sure my legion of fans have been bereft. However, it is difficult to write without talking about my emotions, the big hairy elephant in the room or the D-word. Hence, "Censored."

So, I awoke to a a rainy day today but the temperatures are finally warmer and yesterday I was out in short sleeves - heaven! Here is a picture of daybreak and a picture of my favorite spot - the window seat. I am here for at least an hour every day.
Today might be rainy but it is a happy happy day because my nephew Nat and his family are on their way to visit me as I write this. I am SO EXCITED! But I digress . . .

Here is what I have been up to:  I joined an exercise class with Cheryl - yes, the dog sitter and owner of Jelly, the boxer Sophie mauled. She teaches an aerobics class three times a week (Cheryl, not Jelly) and she does it for free. Amazing lady. There are probably 15 of us in her class. I ride my bike to her house and she has it out back in her driveway. Fun.

The other thing I did was enroll in college.  Now, before you get all excited, yes it is college and yes, I do have an official student i.d. but here is what I am taking:  Drawing, yoga and Tai Chi.  So, there you have it. I start on Wednesday.

Yes, I'm still volunteering for the Humane Society and I go to the gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Keeping busy!

Now, here is a picture of Sarah's new beach bag. You are seeing it before she does! Cute, right?

I love this Heather Ross mermaid fabric! I bought it at Alewives, dontcha know!


  1. Have fun at school! And have a great time with nat and sg- she'll love the bag!!!
    xoxo brynne

  2. Wow - you are impressing me, especially with all the exercise! Depending on what day(s) Yoga class is, you may be doing something physical 7 days a week! And that's a good thing. Kudos on the other classes and volunteering, too. Love that bag!
