Saturday, December 19, 2009

I had a productive day yesterday, running errands and getting to know the area a little bit. The wind came up and howled all night and look at the waves rolling in this morning. We couldn't walk on the beach this morning as the sand was flying in the wind and stinging our faces. Sophie had sand in the corners of her eyes when we came in, poor baby. 

Last night we heard a huge crash on the deck, which set the dogs off, and this is what we saw in the light of morning. The gas grill - and it's a big one - was blown around the corner and down to the other side of the deck.  The dogs were pretty sure it meant us all harm and approached cautiously with neck and butt fur up. V. funny. Thankfully, it was not attached to the gas canister.

I hope to finish unpacking today - I of course brought all of my fabric so need to find a place for it.

It's a sunny day, high of 60 - I'll take it!

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