Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas 2009

I was going to say something about experiencing my first Christmas alone but I wasn't. Alone, that is. The girls were here to celebrate the day with me. I love this first picture of Sophie. I title it:  Busted!

(Look at all of those red gifts from my friend, Rita.)
Here is smarty pants Lucy who knew exactly which present was hers and opened it without waiting for me or Sophie.

She immediately took her toy from Aunt Stacy to her bed while Sophie . . .

acted like the hedonist she is. The dog has no shame!

Look at the socks from my sister, Leslie. Cute! Sophie approves.

And, it's not for everybody but here is my Christmas dinner. A yummy buffalo burger! (King Eider, I miss you!)

So, just another day and we had a nice walk on the beach and look at the best gift of all at the end of the day:

Happy holidays, everybody


  1. I'm so glad you and the girls enjoyed your day. Please give them a hug for me. Cute palm Christmas tree! Your New Year's present will be on its way tomorrow....


  2. I'm so glad the socks fit -- always so hard to get these things right :)

    Thank you for all the lovely goodies and guns (perhaps like Perkey, the not quite perfect penguin, you do your shopping at "Whips and Fedoras?")

    The sunsets you have are amazing -- we're in slush weather here -- but great news: cold is on the way...
