Sunday, October 3, 2010

In the kitchen with Lizzie

This afternoon I harvested half of my remaining basil and, feeling vaguely Suzy Homemaker-ish, I made up a batch of pesto from a recipe I’ve been using for years from In the Kitchen with Rosie. It is very low fat (so even my Dad would eat it), however, in my opinion a healthy dose of olive oil really enhances the taste. I do love me some garlic so I used like 5 cloves.  Yum.  Here it is:
1 ½ cup fresh basil leaves
at least 2 peeled garlic cloves
¼ cup pine nuts
¼ cup fresh grated parmesan cheese
¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
olive oil
Throw everything except the lemon juice in a blender or a food processor (I use my little tiny cuisinart) and then drizzle in the lemon juice. Puree until a smooth paste is formed.
You can put the pesto in an ice cube tray and when frozen, put the cubes in a freezer bag. Voila! A single serving of pesto whenever you need one.

Cook's helper.

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