Inspired by the recent quilt show, I have been mad for sewing lately. My friend Sue and I got on a backpack kick recently and here are a few for your perusal. (The little ones are Tinkerbell, for a couple of little niecies . . . )The picture didn't come out on my favorite one but here is the fabric. Isn't it gorgeous??
I got this pattern at the quilt show. How cute is this?? This one is for Genevieve. Sweet! Still waiting for measurements on some of the little girls . . . (hint hint)
Anna and I worked on her book bag for school, a tradition with us. It came out beautifully. She is an excellent sewist! Here she is hard at work.

Also visiting from Virginia, my friend Stacy, husband Pat, their kids and grandkids. I can't believe I didn't get one picture of that gang. It was rather a hectic period so you'll have to make due with this:

Well, it seemed like there were that many of them . . . anyhoo, Also visiting me were David and Gloria and I want to show you the picture David shared with me of Gloria. She is such a goddess.
A farewell lobster dinner last night and just about everybody hit the road this morning. I'm so grateful for each and every one and feel so lucky to have them in my life. Thank you guys for coming to Maine!!
Next up: Mermaid Sue jets in from Miami!!